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Parent Café 




To register for more information, CLICK HERE!

To download the Parent Café flyer, please click here.





Through a partnership between staff from The Respective Solutions Group and the Collaboration for Youth and Community Development,  Parent Cafes are now offered to parents in the Adams County area.  The Parent Café is open to all parents in the Adams County area and will be offered to both our English and Spanish speaking parents.


In 2007, the Parent Café process was developed by parent leaders from Strengthening Families Illinois to design a parent-to-parent way to bring the Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors to families.


The Parent Café process will assist you in bringing the protective factors into your home and strengthening your family. Protective Factors are the key—intending to build the protective factors in your home is the first step toward building the family.


Parent Cafés are physically and emotionally safe spaces where parents and caregivers talk about the challenges and victories of raising a family. Through individual deep self-reflection and peer-to-peer learning, participants explore their strengths, learn about the Protective Factors, and create strategies from their own wisdom and experiences to help strengthen their families.


The Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors are:

  • Resilience: Parent Resilience

  • Relationships: Positive Social Connections

  • Support: Concrete Support in Times of Need

  • Knowledge: Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

  • Communication: Social and Emotional Competence


Cafés are structured discussions that use the principles of adult learning and family support. Participants can expect each Parent Café to last about 90 minutes for a minimum of three Cafes.  All Parent Cafes are  committed to an approach that engages and affirms parents as leaders. Participants leave Parent Cafés feeling inspired, energized, and excited to put into practice what they have learned.  Being a parent is the only criteria to be able to participate.


During the pandemic we are forced to meet with parents on-line until we are able to get back together again.  Until then our staff will be working with parents, using the internet, to meet virtually and experience the Parent Café process.


To register for more information, CLICK HERE!       To Download the Parent Cafe flyer, please click here.

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