Parents Who Host Lose The Most
Underage drinking makes our highways less safe and the future of our youth less certain. Over the last several years, Adams County has struggled with the loss of too many young people due to impaired driving.
View the "Big Mistake" Video created by Drug Free Action Alliance
FACT: Drinking alcohol under the age of
21 is illegal!
Parents Who Host, Lose The Most: Don't be a party to underage drinking is a public awareness campaign created by the Drug-Free Action Alliance to educate communities and parents about the health and safety risks of serving alcohol at teen parties. This awareness campaign takes place at state and local levels, concentrating on celebratory times for youth, such as homecoming, holidays, prom, graduation and other times when underage drinking parties are prevalent. This campaign encourages parents and the entire community to send a unified message that teen alcohol consumption is unhealthy, unsafe and unacceptable.
Statistics show through our combined endeavors, the number of youth using alcohol has declined, but there is further work to be done. The fact is, underage drinking is hazardous to the health and safety of our children and parents play a major role in their child’s decision to make healthy choices.
Since the campaign began in 2000, it has been requested for replication in all 50 states, Canada, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. In 2001, Parents Who Host, Lose The Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking received the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention’s Promising Prevention Program Award. While laws vary from state to state, the campaign's message is a universal one: It is illegal, unsafe and unhealthy for anyone under 21 to drink alcohol.
What's Happening in Adams County?
12% of Adams County high school seniors reported binge drinking (5 or more drinks on one occasion) within the last two weeks (Pennsylvania Youth Survey, 2021).
In an effort to create a solution to this tragic problem, Adams County Crime Stoppers, Gettysburg State Police, and the Adams County Chief’s Association developed a hotline and text tip line for youth and parents to report underage drinking parties before they happen, or while they are in progress.
Collaborating For Youth promotes the Parents Who Host Campaign during football, prom, and graduation seasons through billboard, paper, and radio media campaigns. In addition, Collaborative partners help to bring awareness to the community by disseminating Parents Who Host materials to alcohol distributors, schools, parents, and local merchants. Samples of these materials are available in the PWH Resource Corner located on the top left of this page.
What Parents Should Know
As a parent, you cannot give alcohol to your teen’s friends under the age of 21 under any circumstance, even in your own home, even with their parent’s permission.
You may be assuming legal liability allowing a person under 21 to remain in your home or on your property while consuming or possessing alcohol.
If You Break the Law
You can face a maximum sentence of 1 year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
Others can sue you if you give alcohol to anyone of any age and they in turn hurt someone, hurt themselves, or damage property.
Officers can take any alcohol, money or property used in committing the offense.
Things You Can Do as a Parent
Refuse to supply alcohol to teens.
Be at home when your teen has a party, set a start and end time, and make sure that anyone leaving the party is not allowed to return.
Make sure that alcohol is not brought to your home by your teen’s friends.
Call the parents of any teen found to be in possession of alcohol.
Talk to other parents about not providing alcohol at other events your teen will be attending.
Think outside the box; brainstorm with your teen about some fun, alcohol-free activities for a memorable party.
Parents Who Host Lose the Most™ is a program of Drug-Free Action Alliance