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SPF - Planning
Step #3: Planning

In this step, local resources are built and mobilized and the community’s readiness to address priority substance misuse problems is determined. In Step 1, planners took stock of what was available in their communities. In Step 2, they ensure the readiness of the community to buy in to the prevention effort and take stock of the resources needed to tackle the problem and produce a positive change.
A community needs both human and structural resources to establish and maintain a prevention system that can respond effectively to local problems. It also needs people who have the motivation and willingness—that is, the readiness—to commit local resources to addressing these problems. The following are three strategies for building local capacity for prevention:
1. Engage diverse community stakeholders
2. Develop and strengthen a prevention team
3. Raise community awareness about the issue
By building and mobilizing local capacity for prevention, planners create the foundation communities will need to begin developing prevention efforts that will be effective and enduring.
Information on the Strategic Prevention Framework provided by:
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 2019. "A Guide to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework"
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